Another screenshot from my early Linux days:
Running SUSE Linux 9.0, listening to music with XMMS, texting on ICQ with Kopete, emailing with Thunderbird, and browsing my personal homepage in Firebird.
And it looks like I was trying to compile a kernel module for my server’s IDE RAID PCI card…
KDE developers show off SDDM replacement
KDE's login manager, SDDM, has its share of problems, and as such, a number of KDE developers are working on replacement to fix many of these long-standing issues. So, what exactly is wrong with SDDM as it exists today?
With SDDM, power management is reinvented from scratch with bespoke configuration. We can't integrate with Plasma's network management, p
FLOSS Weekly Episode 826: Fedora 42 and KDE - This week, Jonathan Bennett chats with Neal Gompa about Fedora 42 and KDE! What’s ... - #hackadaycolumns #flossweekly #podcasts #fedora #kde
Emulating user behavior is a crucial part of energy consumption measurements.
Check out Oreoluwa Oluwasina's work (@Ore) in Season of KDE improving #KdeGuiTest, a tool for usage scenario scripting. Her work includes adding a new user interface!
*KdeGuiTest (KdeEcoTest) in SoK25: Debugging, Building an Interactive User Interface, and More*
@Krita This screenshot was from building Krita in Terminal, while using DESTDIR it looked like not all was in place, when packaged to has the more native Haiku look and feel, thanks for the icons by 3dEyes!
Anybody have Wayland-compatibile tiling compositor (WM) recommenddations? I'd been using #xmonad for years, but it doesn't work with Wayland. #KDE #Plasma with #bismuth was good for me, but Bismuth doesn't work with latest Plasma. I've really not found anything good with Gnome, and the options like #sway and #hyprland require a bunch of time to configure and don't do things like remembering what to do when I plug in different external monitors like KDE does. I appreciate KDE's automation.
KDE developers propose a new Plasma Login Manager to replace SDDM, aiming for deeper integration and a more feature-rich, modern login experience.
Where can I get some help to figure out why a plasmoid I'm trying to build is failing?
# A Roadmap for a modern Plasma Login Manager – David Edmundson's Web Log
Gli sviluppatori di KDE iniziano a lavorare su un nuovo gestore di accesso #kdeplasma
#kde #UnoLinux
@itsfoss I thought it is an effort that is supported by EU politicians and/or staff but not officially recognized as the one true EU solution yet.
I love #Redhat but I wonder as well whether #suse or #kde's own distro wouldn't be the better choice. They might still end up using Fedora for the time being as there are some situations in which higher quality might be more important than local development.
In #KDE is possible to force DiscoverNotifier to NOT load at startup?
@Riedler This is timely. I'd been using #xmonad for years, but it doesn't work well with Wayland. #KDE #Plasma with #bismuth was good for me, but Bismuth doesn't work with the latest KDE. I've really not found anything good with Gnome, and the options like #sway and #hyprland require a bunch of time to configure and don't do things like remembering what to do when I plug in different external monitors like KDE does.
It was a bit of trial and error and websearching, but Kdenlive motion tracker is cool! You can have it track something automatically, copy all the keyframe information and then apply it to any effect that has keyframes! Once you understand that, it's easy.
Kdenlive motion tracker is stuck at using a max of 200% cpu over 8 cores (4 core/smt) and most cores are only at 36% utilization max... Weird.